School Site Council/ELAC

Welcome to Twain HS School Site Council 

Dear Twain Families,

Attached is a ballot for Twain's parent/community representation on our School Site Council. A School Site Council (SSC) is group of teachers, parents, students, administrators, and interested community members who work together to develop and monitor a school's improvement plan. It is a legally required decision-making body for any school receiving federal funds. The actions of the School Site Council are the first step in a formal process for developing improvement strategies and for allocating resources to support these efforts. The SSC decides upon the focus of the school’s academic instructional programs and all related categorical resource expenditures for a school.

The ballot is attached to this email and are also available in any Twain office. Ballots should be retuned to the school by the end of the school day on Friday, September 15. Thank you.


22-23 SSC parent community ballot.pdf

23-24 Meetings: 

9/26/23 2:30pm      -       Agenda        Minutes    ELAC Agenda
10/5/23 12:30pm      -     
 Agenda      Minutes 
10/17/23 2:30pm     -       
Agenda      Minutes
11/14/23 2:30pm     -       
Agenda     Minutes
1/16/24 2:30pm     
 -       Agenda    Minutes
1/18/23 2:30pm      
 -       Agenda    Minutes
3/5/234 2:30pm      
 -       Agenda    Minutes
4/23/24 2:30pm       
 -       Agenda    Minutes
5/7/24 2:30pm       
 -       Agenda    Minutes

22-23 Meetings: 

9/28/22 3pm      -       Agenda        Minutes
10/11/22 3pm     -    
   Agenda        Minutes
12/6/22 3pm      -    
   Agenda        Minutes
2/28/23 3pm      -    
   Agenda        Minutes
3/7/23 3pm       
-       Agenda      Minutes
4/11/23 3pm   
   -      Agenda     Minutes
4/18/23 3pm   
   -         Agenda      Minutes
5/9/23 3pm   
   -         Agenda        Minutes

21-22 Meetings:

9/29/21 -     Agenda      Minutes
10/4/21 -     Agenda      Minutes
11/1/21 -     Agenda      Minutes
2/9/22   -     Agenda      Minutes

2/24/22 -     Agenda      Minutes
4/20/22     Agenda      Minutes
5/4/22       Agenda      Minutes

>> Zoom Link: 


>> Enlace de zoom: 

What is a School Site Council (SSC)?
A School Site Council (SSC) is group of teachers, parents, administrators, and interested community members who work together to develop and monitor a school's improvement plan. It is a legally required decision-making body for any school receiving federal funds. The California Legislature believes that the individuals who are most affected by the operation of the school should have a major role in the decisions regarding how a school functions. Education should be a joint effort of parents, teachers, administrators, and other school staff. The actions of the School Site Council are the first step in a formal process for developing improvement strategies and for allocating resources to support these efforts. The SSC decides upon the focus of the school’s academic instructional programs and all related categorical resource expenditures for a school.

¿Qué es un Comité Consultivo del Plantel de la Escuela (SSC)?
El Comité Consultivo del Plantel de la Escuela (SSC) es un grupo de maestros, padres, administradores y miembros interesados de la comunidad que trabajan juntos para desarrollar y monitorear el Plan Único para el Aprovechamiento Estudiantil (SPSA). El Comité toma decisiones requeridas por ley para cualquier escuela que recibe fondos federales. La Legislatura de California cree que las personas que son más afectadas por el funcionamiento de una escuela deben ser involucrados en las decisiones sobre cómo funciona una escuela. La educación debe ser un esfuerzo conjunto de padres, maestros, administradores y otro personal escolar. Las acciones del Comité Consultivo del Plantel de la Escuela son el primer paso en un proceso formal para desarrollar estrategias de mejorar la escuela y para asignar recursos para apoyar estos esfuerzos. El SSC decide el enfoque de los programas de instrucción académica de la escuela y todos los gastos de recursos categóricos relacionados para una escuela. 

View the SSC Bylaws

Twain 23-24 SPSA


Mike Rebman - principal
Jesse Contreras – teacher
Todd Lehr – teacher – chair
Jennifer Vinson – teacher
Theresa Glasgow – staff
Marilyn Bradford – community member
Fabiola Esquivel – parent
Larry Mikulanis - community member
Adrian B. – student 
Rebecca G. - student


A SSC is a school-community representative body made up of:
Other School Personnel
Parents or Community Members
Students (at the Secondary Level)

What does a School Site Council do?
- Develops and approves the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Sets and/or reviews school goals and selects specific improvements
- Establishes budgets based upon the SPSA
- Recommends and submits site plan to Board of Education for approval
- Reviews and modifies the SPSA
- Monitors and evaluates implementation of SPSA and resulting student achievement
- Assesses effectiveness of planned strategies, activities and remedies
- Participates in local, state, and federal reviews of the school’s program for compliance and quality;
- Collaborates with other Advisory Groups (English Learner Advisory Committee -- ELAC, Gifted and Talented Education -- GATE, School Advisory Committee -- SAC)
- Obtains recommendations from school site advisory, standing, and special committees regarding the focus of the school’s SPSA
- Completes English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) tasks (if the SSC has ELAC authority).
- Encourages parent, family, and community involvement
- Encourages broad representation of parents, community members, teachers and students, if appropriate
- Includes all socioeconomic, ethnic, and programmatic groups represented in the school-community.
- Develops and oversees Title I Parent Involvement Policy and Home-School Compact.

How do I get involved?
If you are a parent, guardian or community member, you will need to be elected by the parents and guardians of the students. Elections may use ballots or voice vote. Election procedures should be outlined in the bylaws of the SSC. SSC seats are not reserved for any group or individual. Nondiscrimination policies must be observed (membership is not restricted to any group) The main task of the SSC is to develop a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for the school every year. The intent of the Single Plan for Student Achievement is to create a cycle of continuous improvement of student performance, and to ensure that all students succeed in reaching state academic standards. The school plan serves as an official document in audits to determine appropriate expenditures of categorical funds. Categorical funds are federal and state monies that are available for specific purposes. Below is description of these funds.

Our Annual Title I meeting was held on Wednesday, September 29th during our Virtual Open House. 

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